What is the difference between JS and JSX?

Hello folks,
Before understanding the file's JS and JSX extensions, you need to understand React. What is React?

React is a powerful JavaScript library designed by Facebook for developing user interfaces, specifically single-page applications. Its architecture allows developers to write reusable UI components.
In React, the extension of the component files is generally in JSX but we can surely define the extension with the JS also. Different file extensions are being used in React (for example, in native JavaScript we can use .js and .jsx, whereas with typescript then supported extensions are .ts and .tsx)
In Js
In the case of web development, .js extension is a standard extension of javascript This file is for writing an interactive and dynamic functionality of the web app, In React we generally prefer to use the js extension when dealing the
custom hooks*, defining the constants, and **event handler function like OnClick,onSubmit**, etc. this can be written in the js file extension, but we can write the HTML XML syntax in our js file (i.e., JSX) this is completely allowed but we prefer to write the HTML like javascript syntax code in the .jsx so, by looking the file extension the developer can easily understand the content of the file without any difficulty.
This is JavaScript XML, which allows developers to write HTML-like code directly within JavaScript.I prefer to use this extension to react to your components that are responsible for the UI. because it specifies that it has an HTML-like syntax along it shows that this is a component rather than any native event handler function.*

Overall there are no differences between the js and jsx extensions because they both can support the HTML like syntax, The transpiler will understand the js and jsx as the same it supports both extensions

It doesn’t care about the extension, The transpiler takes care of it on its own.
The basic thing is to write a systematic and manageable code by following the standards of React.